Get Your Own .BLOG Domain Today

Get Your Own .BLOG Domain Today

Got something to say? .BLOG it!

Register .blog domains with Blacknight


Buy .BLOG Domains from Blacknight

Got something to say? Need a home for your online journal? A place to post your thoughts, build your case, discuss your insights, or showcase your expertise? Blogging has redefined the web, and today a blog is a key element of any website. Now the .BLOG domain offers a new way to claim your place on the platform. There is a huge range of blogging tools and platforms. The advent of blogging software and Content Management Systems is a revolution in publishing, effectively reducing to zero the barrier to entry. The open-source WordPress platform is the most popular choice for most bloggers. In fact, it’s brought to you by the same people who are behind the new .BLOG domain: Automattic. But they’ve generously made .BLOG available to all, no matter what platform you use.

Examples of .BLOG Websites

Once you have your own .BLOG domain name you’ll be able to add custom email addresses or build an online presence. Choose from a wide range of website, email and sitebuilder plans.

Blog about what moves you!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why choose a .BLOG domain?

    New Top Level Domains like .BLOG add an extra layer of meaning ‘to the right of the dot’. Coupled with a good generic keyword, a .BLOG domain name makes it immediately obvious what the purpose of the site is, and premium names are set to become highly valued: e.g.,,

    For everyday sites too, however, a .BLOG domain name is an ideal way to identify your site’s purpose by its online address. Got a personal brand? .BLOG it! Got a hobby or a passion? .BLOG it! Represent a community or an organisation? .BLOG it! Got a product or service to sell? .BLOG it – and then FLOG it!

  • How Should I Approach Blogging?

    A blog is a conversation. The best bloggers are authorities on their subject, and they got that way by listening, by study and by experience. But unlike traditional one-way media, bloggers recognise that they are part of a discussion. Before you blog, read other blogs in your subject area. Leave comments, and read other comments. Get a feel for the community of bloggers, and introduce yourself. Then, begin!

  • How Can I Set Up My Own Blog

    You need a domain name (your blog’s address), and web hosting (to store your pages and serve them to anyone who visits). Install WordPress for free and you’re up and running on the worlds most popular publishing platform. Customise your site with templates and plugins. Ask us for help and advice.

  • Can I Move my Existing Blog to a New Domain Name?

    Yes. If you’ve already got a website or blog, and you want to move it to a new domain name (such as .BLOG), you can do so and still retain all the traffic and search-engine ranking that you’ve already built up.

    We’ve published a step-by-step guide on how to do this.  We recommend reading it, even if you plan to get a developer to migrate the domain name, rather than doing it yourself. It’s written simply and straightforwardly, and it will help you to understand process involved.

    How to Move your Blog to a New Domain Name – A Step-by-Step Guide

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